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Titanium Dofus 1.29 / PVP / PVE ENGLISH!

Titanium Dofus 1.29 / PVP / PVE ENGLISH!

Titanium Dofus 1.29 / PVP / PVE ENGLISH!
MMORPG - ~Autre

GamePlay : PvP

Position 4999

Clic Sortant : 2911

Dofus 1.29 English private server!

Some bugs still there recently started but! bugs will be fixed ASAP!

We are a pvp/pve server trying to grow big!
We are the only english private server working!
Join now for 50x pvm rates! will atleast be there till the end of the week!

See you soon!

Titanium Dofus Staff!

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