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Lineage 2 OverKill 75x

Lineage 2 OverKill 75x

Lineage 2 OverKill 75x
MMORPG - Lineage II

GamePlay : PvP

Position 151

Clic Sortant : 863

Experience (EXP): 75x
Skill Points (SP): 75x
Adena: 200x
Safe Enchant: +3
Max. Enchant: +16
Normal Scroll chance: 65%
Blessed Scroll chance: 65% and don't break
Ancient Scroll: 85% and don't lost enchant
No Have Gmshop For buy SS's and consumables buy in Grocery Shop !
Weapown shop selling Weapon D and C and S.
Luxury Shop selling Sets and Weapon B and A
Ancient Bronze Coin: Drop for all mob in game min:1 max: 2
Ancient Silver Coin: Drop for Chamions Level = 79 MaxLevel = 84 ItemQty = 1
Ancient Gold Coin: Drop for Chamions Level = 85 MaxLevel = 99 ItemQty = 2
All Sets and Weapon, jewels for craft coin!

Opened 23/11/2013.

Historique des votes
