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EGNLC03 LastChaos

EGNLC03 LastChaos

EGNLC03 LastChaos
MMORPG - Last Chaos

GamePlay : Autre

Position 6

Clic Sortant : 616

New Gameplay : now you can play your character in global (exemple : you can play rogue and play at the same time ranger or assassin you can use skill and weapon from both classe that new GamePlay are choose to be better for player are to lazy to leveling a others character to get certains ammount of buff or skill and like play both classe is the same for all character excepted NightShadow having only one classe.

New Start armors & Weapon : getting bored to see bad armor and weapon when you create character i have change it to a nice Military Costume and Nice weapon starting Lv 1

New time to delete Characters : Now is possible to delete your character immediatly and create a new one no needed to wait 24 hours anymore credits Raider

New Interface : we have do a custom Interface We hope you like it

New Guild Emblems : We have change our Guld emblems with randomly like eating flag of your country etc we hope you like this. credits revolution

New Juno : We have modified the Juno to be more beautiful also arena was changed too

New C2 Costume : alot news C2 costume mad by zanatie with great features will be available credits Zanatie

New Weapons : Alot news weapons for each classe will be available Soon as possible

New Custom Effect : has been changed to be more beautiful

News Titles : we do some news title will be usable soon credits Zanatie Raider

News Quest : we will add somes news Quest soon wich will enjoy making fun Questing

New map : Alber maps will be available soon we will do a nice GamePLay into that Awesome maps

News Accesory : we will do somes news accesory soon

New Pvp : We will work on the pvp adjustement with your feedback and your help dears players

More will be Coming Soon regards EGN-LC Team


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See you Ingame.

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