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Apocalyps Perfect World

Apocalyps Perfect World

Apocalyps Perfect World
MMORPG - Perfect World

GamePlay : PvP

Position 26

Clic Sortant : 1120

Apocalyps Server 1.4.4

-Auto Fairy
-Custom Main city
-Custom Newbie map
-Newbie starting Box(100M gold, Full slots(bag,pet & storage, Geo map)
-New FB : G18, G19, G20, G21 and new G22
-Cheap Donation , New Stone, Casting,& much more!
-Lot of New Skin

Server Info

Intel Core i5-2400
4x3.1+ GHz
6 Mo L2 - QPI 5 GT/sec
16 Go DDR3
2x 2To - SATA2
100 Mbps

PS: Le staff est français

Historique des votes
