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Aion Elysium 3.9 PvP Working on 4.0

Aion Elysium 3.9 PvP Working on 4.0

Aion Elysium 3.9 PvP Working on 4.0

GamePlay : PvP

Position 72

Clic Sortant : 848

-Aion 3.9 Full Support with retail like skills
-Customized maps and PvP system
-Full Geodata
-3.7 Items&Mounts
*EU & US Server*

Historique des votes


News : Informations ! - 01/05/2013

We are currently working on a 4.0. Server will re-open as soon as it is completly finished.
Only the GM or staff members will be able to connect to the game, beside when players are necessary for tests. Thanks for your understanding.

You can continue to vote for your favorite server, and so have tolls upon official openning!
Votes rewards are x2 for one week! Check it out!